Thursday 5 April 2012

Obsession with embellishment

After recently purchasing a beautiful pastel blue sequin and bead embellished t-shirt from Topshop, a new obsession has blossomed. Embellishment is one of the oldest techniques of accessorising and, in my opinion, one of the best! Garments with embellishment, whether it be sequinned for a more modern take, or beading for a sophisticated edge, always look classic. Simple silhouettes are transformed with strategically placed sparkle, making outfits always seem more 'couture'. The most easy-to-wear smock is transformed into a stunning evening piece by patterns, beads and sequins. But it's not only the look of embellished garms' that have me sold; it's the feel. Embellished pieces feel heavier, more substantial and timeless. I never feel the guilty pangs of spending 'a little bit too much' on embellished clothing because I know it won't fall apart after a couple of wears. Like a most beloved hard-back novel that you have read and re-read hundreds of times, you know it will still be on your bookshelves 20 years down the line, where-as the flimsy paper-backs will have fallen by the way-side. It's the same with embellishment. There's a reason why it's been used in Royal fashion throughout time, why the 'flappers' of the '50 favoured it and why it's still a favourite of many designers today, including Chanel. In its own right, it's a 'style'. Whether it be 'Chelsea girl' or 'bohemian chic', they can both thank embellishment for being staple in their style. And in the words of Coco Chanel herself, 'Fashion passes, Style remains'...

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