Tuesday 3 April 2012

Rome wasn't built in a day

Sat here getting increasingly frustrated at my google mail because all emails are bouncing, tearing recklessly into a bar of chocolate whilst practically throwing the laptop to the ground, I commence the standard dramatic drone about how 'I'm never going to get an internship if google keeps ruining my life!' This is when my Dad (who's heard this same dramatised whinging a hundred times over) comes out with the gem: 'Rome wasn't built in a day Zoe'. After a snide response of 'Well I'm not trying to build Rome, Dad, I'm trying to get an internship!' I think he may just have a point... It's easy to forget when you're on your millionth email, to which you already know you probably won't get a reply, that opportunities don't just get given to you on a plate. You have to work at them, work harder, then work some more. Talk to anyone in a career now and they'll probably tell you that they still don't know what they want to do when they 'grow-up'. It may seem that they landed on their feet, but in reality, they probably just stumbled into an open opportunity ready for them to fill. Talk to the actor who studied to be a lawyer, or the chef who was previously a banker. Both equally happy in their jobs. And why should I be any different? I could apply for hundreds of internships before I actually get one. And then when I do, I could end up 10 years down the line doing something completely unrelated! But any step is a step closer to a new, different experience. And a step closer to finding out a passion or talent you want to pursue. I'm sure there were days when the Romans lay countless bricks and pulled thousands of carts in the unbearable heat, yet felt the empire would never be complete. Then one day, before anyone even had a chance to think about it, the Roman Empire stood unexpectedly powerful, beautiful and complete. But then again, I'm sure it would have been completed much quicker is Caesar's google mail worked!

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